
Makkah Visitors' application for visitors of Haram Baitullah in Mecca | Zawaar-e-Mecca

2024-11-04 1 Dailymotion

Makkah Visitors' application for visitors of Haram Baitullah in Mecca | Zawaar-e-Mecca

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سعياً منا لتحسين خدمات تنقل ضيوف الرحمن في شهر رمضان المبارك 1445 ولجعل تأدية النسك اكثر #يسر_وطمأنينة
اطلقنا تطبيق ( زوار مكة Makkah Visitors )
الذي يقوم بتحديد المواقف والمسارات المؤدية الى المحطات المحيطة بالمسجد الحرام
In our effort to improve transportation services for the guests of God in the blessed month of Ramadan 1445 and to make performing the rituals more easy_and_reassuring, we have launched the (Makkah Visitors) application, which determines the stops and paths leading to the stations surrounding the Grand Mosque.


In Saudi Arabia, the General Syndicate of Cars (Al-Naqaba Al-Ama for Planets) has launched an application called 'Makkah Visitors' (Zawar Makkah). This will determine the parking lots and the routes leading to Masjid al-Haram.
The General Syndicate of Cars (GSC) said on its X (Twitter) account that this application is part of efforts to improve and make transportation services more satisfactory for pilgrims during Ramadan 1445 AH.
Through the application, you can get information about the easiest way to reach Masjid Al-Haram and parking lots.
The parking lots and roads established near Masjid-ul-Haram can be taken advantage of.

#النقابة_العامة_للسيارات | #زوار_مكة | #makkah_visitor
